Motivational Keynote Speaker Testimonials

Chevron Texaco keynote testimonial

Rave reviews would be an understatement, you are one of the best speakers we have ever had at Smith Barney. I really appreciate your preprogram research and funny to-the-point delivery. Let’s try to match schedules for multiple dates next year. Thank you for all that you did for us. Frank P. Breazeale III, Regional Sales and Training Officer, Smith Barney

 Telstrat keynote testimonial

I cannot thank you enough for all of your hard work prior to and at our conference last week. You were even more of a hit than I had hoped! My expectations were met, and exceeded. The time you spent with our team researching our needs and learning about our business challenges definitely paid off. Our audience all feel you had a good understanding of our business challenges, and were darn funny at the same time. Your presentation was the perfect mix of a serious business based message, along with a very funny and engaging delivery. The professionalism and efficiency of you and your team made my life easier. As a host of the conference, I had plenty to worry about, so it was nice to know you were well prepared and your team was available if I needed anything. I hope to have an opportunity to work with you and your team again in the future. This was truly an enjoyable experience. Misty Matthews, Communications Specialist, Delphi Corporation

shell keynote testimonial

Our conference attendees enjoyed not only your message, but also the humorous and real life way in which it was delivered. The ratings you received on our Exit Survey were all “Excellent!” We look forward to working with you again in the future. Barbara Ireland, Director, Events Marketing,
American Express

 first national bank keynote testimonial
We have used Garrison fifteen times already this year, with terrific results.  His funny, interactive approach keeps the group focused, and his "dealing with difficult people" segment, among others, was particularly effective.  Garrison helps us provide excellent value-added training to our customers. Joe Sprague, Director of Key Accounts, AIM Management's Financial Institution Division

 I am thrilled to have been able to attend 2 of your presentations.  They were interesting, funny, thought-provoking and educational.  Your skill and talent as a professional speaker is evident.  Your thoughts and ideas are concise and insightful.  Thank you so much for presenting for my organization.  You met and exceeded all of our expectations. Randi Klein, CPIM, C.P.M. Alpha Wire Company

Garrison, Your presentation was beyond excellent!  I truly enjoyed your presentation and found it extremely informative.  It is among the best I have ever seen - and I spent 27 years in the telecom industry and took 5-10 days of training each year! Joan Robbins, PMP Technical Project Manager, Schering- Plough Pharmaceuticals Corporation
Department of Defense keynote testimonial

Thanks for a great presentation! You are my highest ranking speaker! – 11.5 out of a possible 12. Patti Fitzgerald, CBCP, Disaster Recovery Magazine

Your program was the best received in my 30 years in the business. There are always one or two who find something negative to say. Not this time — all positive comments from those attending. Great job! Kelly Littlefield, Vice President Sales, Kirby-Smith Machinery

 ups keynote testimonial

In the evaluations by the brokers, you received excellent reviews across the board.  Your presentation was just the right mix of humor, coaching, and sound life advice. You more than exceeded our expectations and I am looking forward to having you speak at many more events.  John Greenway, Prudential Securities, Vice-President, Western Division Sales Manger, Prudential Investments

 Cuna Mutual keynote testimonial

Excellent! Mixing humor with serious topics and talking with the audience instead of to the audience, kept everyone involved. Conoco-Phillips

I just wanted to thank you again for the fine job you did communicating the importance of Safety here at Lake Charles. You were excellent. I have heard numerous comments from attendees on how much they enjoyed it. PPG looks forward to continued work with you in the future. John Shamburger, PPG

We are extremely pleased with the results of your presentation. All of the 16 locations gave you a big thumbs up… Phil Riley, Training & Development, Komatsu International
RBS keynote testimonial
I am not one that will usually write a letter to someone that I have heard speak, but you have changed that. I recently had the great pleasure to have had the opportunity to hear you speak at our annual sales rally held this year in Reno Nevada. Your dynamic delivery kept me alert, and involved. It was a very rewarding experience for me and is the reason for this letter. Your keynote address is inspiring, funny and one of the most entertaining I’ve ever heard. Your use of humor mixed with your real life experiences kept all that attended glued to your every word. It was a great session and beautifully presented. I have received numerous comments from attendees and they seem to agree that it was one of the best ever! Receiving a standing ovation from this group, that is quite a compliment. Thank you for sharing your time, your knowledge and your sense of humor. Eric W. Berggen, Director of Sales and Marketing, Old Republic Title Company

 boys girls club keynote testimonial
Your presentation was outstanding. I would recommend you to any company that wants to motivate & educate employees and independent contractors. Thanks for making me look good! Robert Bohli, Field Vice President, American Express Financial Advisors

The response was phenomenal. We believe you made a real difference in the morale and education of our people. Thank you for the effort you put into your research. The knowledge of our industry was the key. I personally have benefited from your relationship approach, and have increased my average monthly performance by approximately 25% accordingly. I feel that I learned as much in the one hour we had with you as I did in the entire year prior. David Stephenson, Major Accounts Executive, Northwest Region, ALLTEL

merrill lynch keynote testimonial

I wanted to take this opportunity to say how pleased I was with your presentation during our recent National Sales Meeting. The subject matter and topics discussed were very applicable and relevant to our business environment. Your presentation and “delivery” of the material was perfect for our meeting. You were able to combine statistical information, industry standards, as well as provide helpful selling tools that will enable our staff to take our sales to the next level. Our sales team walked away with a very positive attitude, and were reminded of the traits that transform an ordinary sales person into a truly great sales person. I cannot tell you how many people came up to me just to tell me how much they enjoyed your presentation. I can tell you from experience, compliments from our sales force are very few and far between. Garrison, thank you for making our sales meeting a true success!! Steven G. Boubel, Director of Procurement & Logistics, Tyco/MES Fire & Security NFL keynote testimonial
Garrison Wynn is a most talented, entertaining and compelling speaker. He keeps his audience with him throughout utilizing his sharp wit to demonstrate his key points. The audience leaves the presentation feeling they have gained a great deal of knowledge that can be applied to their everyday business. They also feel they’ve been entertained…and that’s not at all bad! I would strongly recommend Mr. Wynn as I would use his services again without question. Donald Loftus, President, CEO, Cosmopolitan Cosmetics

state farm keynote testimonial

Dear Garrison, I am writing to express our sincere appreciation for being part of our Shell Oil products US “Health and Safety Day-2004” at the Shell Learning Center-The Woodlands. The keynote talk on “Getting Great Results-Turning Talent into performance” and the after lunch presentation on “The truth about success” were both well received and highlights based on audience feedback. We appreciated your preparation and planning to deliver the goods that we had expected and discussed. The presentations were engaging, entertaining, motivational and balanced with good substance for take-away utilization. Both presentations supported our conference theme centered on the delivery of results. Again, thank you for your participation and energy in making the day a big success. We look forward to working with you in the future when opportunities arise. David Watts CIH, CSP, Conference Team Leader,
Shell Oil Products US

usaa keynote testimonial

Every one of my locations around the country thanked me personally for bringing you in. I have been very successful in business and have great insight on what works. So I wanted to tell you officially “it worked”. Anthony Cantrell, Owner, ACC Consulting Company

AIM funds keynote testimonial

Garrison, I just wanted to tell you how much I enjoyed your program at the IJO in Orlando.  Not only did I learn and laugh a lot, my college-bound children could have benefited from your program.  What you had to say applies to everyone. Thanks for making it such a worthwhile trip for me.  Sincerely, Bernadette Cellucci, International Jewelers Association

Prudential financial keynote testimonial

Wow! Thanks for a timely message. Our people took what you said to heart. Both clients and prospects are being called and we are doing business. We are not just standing there; we are knocking on the door. Thanks to you. Sincerely, Kenneth P. Nelson, Executive Vice President, Financial Services Director, Bremer Financial
lockheed martin keynote testimonial

Garrison kept them riveted…They consistently remarked that he is one of the best they’ve ever seen. In the months since your presentation, I still hear from the employees what an impact you had on them. Richard Smith, Director of Orientation, Nortel Networks

We were the first to have this program and were so impressed we recommended it to all Komatsu dealers nation wide. Great Job! Mike Green, VP Operations, Waukesha-Pearce Industries

Your effective combination of humor and business information was right-on and the research on what is important to our members can help attendees right away. Thank you for a fantastic job! Erik Dahlseid, Senior Program Manager, NRECA


We tasked you with presenting the most important issue for our organization and you hit a home run! Your presentation was custom tailored to our needs and on target. You have equipped and motivated us to make some fundamental changes in the way we operate our businesses. This is what we will build on to fuel our growth over the next few years. Richard Malzone, VP Operations, United Marketing Solutions

Garrison, your presentation was terrific! The entire team took something away!
Richard Kase, CEO, Cypress Health Care

I just wanted to thank you for your presentation, "Making the Most of Difficult Situations" which received great reviews at our conference. Your entertaining and high-energy style really helped kick off our conference the right way. I know that everyone could relate to the experiences of working with difficult clients - and your tips on how to make the most of these relationships will help everyone in their practice. Please feel free to use me as a reference for any future clients who are considering using Wynn Solutions to present at their own conferences in the future. TD WATERHOUSE

Thanks again for your excellent presentation. It was entertaining, insightful and motivational. I have already received compliments regarding your presentation and I would recommend you to anyone looking to motivate and inspire their sales force. W. Scott Dixon Private, Client Investment Services Manager. Sun Trust Investments

You are one of the best speakers we have ever had. You’re ability to be funny and educational at the same time are the reasons our people want you back. We will touch base and look at future dates. Jean Pressler, Conference Chairman, The Houston Police Department

Garrison’s unique mass appeal makes him a winner with all audiences. His signature wit, humor and wisdom are artfully combined with a customized, energy packed presentation and delivery style that will captivate any audience. Deborah Yarnell, Director of Emergency Communications, SPAG Regional 9-1-1