Need help managing Generation X, Generation Y or Millennial employees?

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Learn to manage young, smart and brash employees who may wear flip-flops to the office or listen to iPods at their desk. They seem to want to work, but they don't want work to be their life. This informative and entertaining program combines relationship building with no-fluff research on how to raise your awareness of generational issues and create better relationships with younger employees

Please contact us with questions about program content, pricing or availability. Call toll free at 888.833.2902 or email at

Wynn Solution's managerial training
programs provide:

  • On-site, interactive training with top-notch experts known for their ability to engage an audience and build the rapport necessary for learning and measurable results
  • Solutions—not theory, but skills, approaches and techniques that are actually working in your industry to effectively gain and keep customer loyalty
  • Flexible program lengths to fit your training needs and schedule
  • Training needs evaluation to determine goals, set objectives, benchmark top performers and customize program modules to fit the needs of your personnel
  • Program content that helps employees see the link between the training and their ability to contribute to the accomplishment of the organization’s business plan and goals
  • Programs that encourage attendee interaction and participation through fun, thought-provoking exercises and role play
  • Workbooks and Power Point presentations for internal distribution
    Results from our 5-year study of 5,000 top performers in 323 companies and 21 industries

Training programs for managers of millennial generation employees

  1. Effectively Managing Generation Y
  2. Bridging Generational Gaps
  3. Managerial and Employee Relations: Developing Trust

Dont forget to check out our Top Tips for Managers

More information about Wynn Solutions
training programs

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