Managerial and Employee Relations Training Program

Developing Trust

Questions about this program

With managers and staff in the same room, this program will teach specific skills and principles to improve manager and employee relationships. We’ll take a look at the bonds that hold them together and the fears that keep them apart in this groundbreaking trust-building session.


• Identifying the role you play in the team-building process
• Discovering what we have in common
• Roles and goals: What we expect of each other
• Expressing yourself without accusation
• Accepting responsibility for your actions: Accountability in action
• Addressing performance problems: Solutions without blame
• Managing your boss
• Manager, “manage thyself”
• I disagree but I’m willing to listen: Moving forward in difficult situations
• Open forum: A cross-pollination of ideas


geny training program divider


bullet pointTraining programs for managers of Generation Y employees

bullet pointArticle: Motivating Younger Workers

generation yArticle: Generations Working Better Together

bullet pointRead what clients say about Wynn Solutions' training programs

bullet pointTools, guidelines and principles: Why our training programs work

generation y bullet pointAdditional management training programs

gen y buttet pointAdditional leadership training programs

gen y bullet pointMotivational keynotes


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