Managing Generations X AND Y
generation y and a Multigenerational Workforce

Divert the perfect storm!
Get better results from Generation X and Generation Y with greater buy-in from baby boomers.

When baby boomers and employees in their 20s and early 30s work side by side, the generation gap can look more like a canyon. In today’s corporations, generational differences jump out at managers:

One generation of employees exhibits maturity and steadfast loyalty, while workers of a younger generation who show brilliance and application have an exit strategy ready if boredom or dissatisfaction sets in.

Population booms and generational differences in mind-set combine to create adverse conditions that will gradually worsen, creating a perfect storm that can spell disaster for employers. Consider …

  • 50 percent of the American workforce will retire within seven years.
  • The largest number of college graduates will enter the workforce in 2009.
  • Many managers lack the skills needed to motivate and retain talented younger employees.
  • Unable to attract young people, some industries run the risk of being unequipped to compete in the future.

"Garrison was a hit with the 400 members of Generation Y attending the conference. The reviews were wonderful. The audience enjoyed getting a leadership message in an entertaining way, with research behind the theories and thoughts. Garrison was able to relate to our audience and keep them engaged while conveying important messages essential to their future success. We would highly recommend Garrison Wynn, and will certainly be using his services again for future conferences."

Lockheed Martin

As a professional guest speaker and manager training expert Garrison Wynn notes, “If you can’t manage the future, you don’t have a future.” Employers can do more than just stand by and watch as crisis looms. Effective solutions do exist:

Strategy: Create repeatable processes for bringing Millennial employees on board and keeping them.

Strategy: Get training and consulting customized for your industry so you can gain the tools to reduce generational conflicts and improve productivity.  

Strategy: Implement management training and business etiquette programs to groom future leaders and get younger workers ready to represent your organization with the professionalism you need.

What’s working: Motivating Generation Y by understanding why they think and feel the way they do and using that information to influence them.

What’s not working: Trying to make them act like you! Wynn Solutions’ research shows you can’t make a 25-year-old think like a 45-year-old. You have to work with young employees by meeting them where they are, not where you wish them to be. 

Wishing is not strategy, and hope is not action.
— Garrison Wynn, motivational quotes

Our research-based programs include essential tools and knowledge to help managers attract and motivate younger workers. Our extremely informative sessions won’t offend or demean any age group. The research makes sense to all generations, so buy-in from leaders is quick and the solutions you implement have almost immediate impact: A two-hour or one-day program can dramatically influence your employees in a way that can take months in other topic areas such as sales training, traditional leadership training or change management training.

Generation Y program topics and consulting topic areas 

  • Boomers managing Generations X and Y
  • Younger managers supervising older workers (from Generation Y to baby boomers and traditionalists)
  • Increasing tolerance among workers in all age groups
  • Intellectual diversity (dealing with the differences of thought, experience, information and philosophy)
  • Managers in their 40s managing employees in their 20s (older Gen Xers and the younger Generation Y may not think the same way when it comes to making decisions, defining outcomes and providing solutions)
  • Attracting young talent to your industry or organization (creating a work environment with younger workers in mind, knowing what they seek in terms of a career path and giving them options that make your organization the right choice)
  • Developing compensation packages that allow you to compete and attract top young talent
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See motivational speaker Garrison Wynn live on YouTube.

Guy Rankin